Kamper By-Laws


The name of the club shall be known as the El Konejo Kamper Klub. It shall operate as a social group to provide fellowship for its members and be a public example of Elk courtesy on and off the road.

Standing Rules regarding the operation of the El Konejo Kamper Klub shall be established or changed at any Kamper business meeting by a majority vote of the membership present.

Such Standing Rules shall be put into writing and distributed to all members of the El Konejo Kamper Klub.


Section A – Membership: Membership in the club shall be open to all Elks and their families (providing Section A is not violated) who meet the following qualifications.

  1. Must be members in good standing of the B.P.O.E.
  2. Agree to serve as an officer of the club, if elected.
  3. Agree to serve periodically as Wagonmaster of a monthly campout.

Section B – Prospective Members: Prospective members will be permitted three (3) visitations at regular campouts, and then must join the club or desist from regular campouts.

Section C – Membership Dues: Annual dues for members shall be established by the membership, payable January 1st of each year. Any member whose dues are in arrears for a period greater than two (2) months will be dropped from the rolls.

New members joining after July 1st will be assessed at two-thirds (2/3) of the annual amount, and after September 1st will be assessed one-half (1/2) of the annual amount.


Section A – Officers: The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chaplain and Sunshine Person will be appointed by the President.

Section B – Term of Office: All officers, with the exception of the Chaplain and Sunshine Person, shall be elected annually and installed at the last function of the year.

Section C – Officers Duties:

PRESIDENT: The President shall conduct all meetings, appoint committees as needed, be responsible to see that all officers and chairpersons perform their appointed duties, appoint interim officers for any office vacated until such time that an election can be held and perform any other duties normally pertaining to such office.

VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall conduct all meetings in the absence of the President and shall become President for the remainder of the term if the office of President is vacated. The Vice-President shall plan and coordinate the year-end meeting and social function. The Vice-President shall establish campout locations, wagon masters and dates for the year, including at least three (3) months of the year following the term of office. The Vice-President shall perform any other duties as delegated by the President.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall take minutes and keep records of all meetings, report on all correspondence received by the club and write all necessary correspondence as directed by the President.  The Secretary shall also report sickness and distress information to the Sunshine Person.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall collect dues, maintain records of income and expenses and issue checks as required. The Treasurer shall also insure that all funds received are deposited into the Kamper Klub accounts. Signature cards for bank accounts shall require two (2) signatures: the Treasurer and one other officer. Any one of the two will sign checks. The Treasurer shall be the primary signer. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for providing a welcome packet to all new members.

CHAPLAIN: The Chaplain will conduct the prayers at the meetings.

SUNSHINE PERSON: The Sunshine Person is responsible for sending cards and flowers to any member who is incapacitated because of illness whether the member is hospitalized or at home.


Section A – General: Campouts will be held monthly, January through November on the second weekend of each month. Exceptions may be made when this date conflicts with a major Lodge function, the availability of campsites or to participate in some particular event.

Section B – Meetings Business meetings will be conducted each camping month at the Thousand Oaks Elks Lodge. The time and date shall be determined by a vote of the membership. (See Article VI for conduct of meetings.)

Section C –Wagonmasters: Wagonmasters shall be responsible for coordinating the campsite and publicizing the event. Members must notify the Wagonmaster by the specified date in the flyer if they will attend. In the event spaces are limited, reservations will be prioritized:

  1. a) Top priority will be the four (4) elected officers.
  2. b) Next priority will be the order of the date that payment of campout fees are received by the Wagonmaster.  The earlier arriving payment will be given the next priority.  The Wagonmaster will record the reception of each payment as it is received to determine priority.

The Wagonmaster shall also coordinate the campout activities.

The Wagonmaster will appoint a Sheriff, who will assess and impose fines for minor infractions, for each campout

Section D – Campout Fees: Campout fees are due and payable when a campout reservation is made.  If a reservation is cancelled before the reservation deadline, the campout fee will be returned.  If a reservation is cancelled after the reservation deadline the following applies:

  1. Campout fees will be returned if a replacement or a “no charge” cancellation can be obtained for the site reserved.
  2. Campout fees will not be returned for no shows.
  3. Campout fees are the actual cost of the campsite payable by members and guests alike.
  4. Use of a certificate for a free campout is the same as submitting payment for campout fees.

Section E- Annual Year End Function: An annual year end function will be held each year in December in lieu of a campout. This function will be held at a location voted on by the membership. The purpose of this function will be to install new officers who were elected at the November campout and will include a Brunch or similar activity.


Any and all projects undertaken by this club will be voted on by the membership. Projects may be undertaken by the club if passed by the majority of the membership in attendance.


Section A – Quorum: One fourth (1/4) of the membership present at a regularly scheduled function shall constitute a quorum.

Section B – Rules:  Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meetings.

Section C – Order of Business: The order of business at each meeting shall be as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag of the United States of America
  3. Introduction of guests and new members
  4. Reading of minutes of previous campout
  5. Reading of Treasurer’s report
  6. Reading of communications
  7. Sickness and distress
  8. Reports of Officers
  9. Reports of Committees
  10. Unfinished business
  11. New Business
  12. Happy news
  13. Announcements
  14. Closing Prayer
  15. Adjournment


These By-Laws may be amended by a three quarter (3/4) vote of the membership present at a regular meeting provided that the proposed amendments shall have been submitted in writing to the membership and read at a previous meeting and/or function.